Week 21- Five Months As A Missionary

¨Those who bring happiness to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.¨ -J.M. Barrie, Author of Peter Pan

July 11, 2011

Hello, hello, hello!

Well I got a new companion: Hermana Emilee Young from the tricities WA area. The funny thing is that I already know her because she was in my ward at Liberty Square at BYU! Haha, small world. She is also in the BYU Nursing Program, so we have some common interests. Her Spanish is beyond amazing and I can only hope to speak as well as she does someday. I think this will be a good change. Hermana Astle went to Concepción, 7 hours north by collectivo with my old MTC companion, Hermana Peel. Lejisismos! Hermana Astle spent 7 months here in Kokuere.

Yesterday morning (Sunday) there was a thunder and lightning storm, so basically that means kiss goodbye any hopes of investigators or menos activos (less actives) coming to Church. I think Paraguayans are allergic to rain! It´s hot today, last week it was cold, yesterday it rained. The weather is unpredictable and keeps us on our toes. Ismael, we don´t know why he won´t get baptized. Maybe he is allergic to water? Fabi still hasn´t been able to come to church due to her father. We are working on finding some more chosen investigators.

One of Satan´s lies is that since all churches worship the same God, it doesn´t matter which church you go to as long as you worship God. Lots of churches, one God. However, there is only one true church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the one with the authority of God, restored through the prophet, Joseph Smith. I know this is true! My testimony has gotten so much stronger as I talk and testify of this everyday. We had one lesson with a lady who said, ¨I am a prophet, you are prophets because you are preaching the gospel.¨ I tried to explain to her that this is not correct, that there is only one prophet on the earth today but she just would not hear it. She did not understand and did not want to hear what we had to say. Good luck teaching the Restoration to her! We tried.

I am learning so much everyday! I love being a missionary! I am grateful for my health once again, for el pan de cada dia, for the Restoration of the Gospel, for the example of my family, my friends and the faithful members of Kokuere. Don´t ever give up the fight and don´t ever forget that our Heavenly Father loves you!

Congrats to my friends Courtney Newby who is going to the Calgary Mission and Lucy who is going to the Hong Kong China Mission!


Hermana Brittner

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