June 4, 2012
What is a hero? Lately I have been thinking about what true heroes are. True heroes aren’t the people who receive praise from the world, who are rich, who have the biggest house and cars, or who are on the front cover of the most magazines. They aren’t the people who suit up for big sport teams or sing in front of millions of people. True heroes may not even be known outside of their own hometown. To me, true heroes are people who quietly live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are the people who sacrifice and work for the cause of truth, who put the needs of others before their own. True heroes do not look for recognition of man, but rather, they are concerned with what God thinks. They are those who endure to the end of their lives, never tiring of doing what is right and helping others. They may experience turbulent trials and difficult circumstances. They may experience ridicule from others because of their beliefs, but they never give up the faith. My parents are true heroes. Members of the Hillcrest 1st ward who always serve tirelessly for the benefit of others are true heroes. My young women and primary leaders, the bishopric... are true heros. You are a true hero. I am a true hero. And I am grateful for every true hero in my life who continues to be faithful in this great work, who continues to live the standards of the Gospel, who gives me a beacon by which I am guided, a standard by which I live by and an example by which I live. May Heavenly Father bless you and strengthen you as you go forward in this work.
We had a crazy week here! One trip to Asuncion and two trips to Caacupe and we also walked to two areas that are super far. We walked to Itagua which took us over 30 minutes but it was a scenic, pretty hike. The problem is that we decided to go in the middle of a huge rainstorm! Do not ask me why, but it made for quite the story, stomping through the mud and walking in the rain. When we finally arrived at the member’s houses, they thought we were crazy. The good news is that we got a return date for a lunch appointment on Wednesday. Hopefully it won’t be raining then! I love being a missionary because I see parts of Paraguay that only the locals and Mormon Missionaries ever see. It really is a blessed land here- everything is so beautiful and green. This area is very clean and rich. Quite different from the Paraguay I have seen and known in the past year.
We are officially searching for new investigators. We are always doing that but it’s at the point where everyone has either gotten baptized or is not progressing. We didn’t have anyone come to church on Sunday which was pretty disappointing. Please keep us in your prayers that we will be able to find a family to teach. I want to bring a family the blessings of the Gospel.
The chill is setting in which makes it more difficult to work because people start going to bed as early as 6: pm because it’s too cold to do anything outside. June started and so has the cold!! My area is supposed to be one of the coldest areas around because there are so many streams and trees. Should be interesting! So when you are at home and sweating in your big houses, you can just think of me and how much I suffered in the heat a few months back. Just say to yourself, “What would it be like if I had to walk around in this heat for 5 more hours, preaching the Gospel, looking for someone to invite me into their house to listen?” Yes, the heat traumatized me, but it was all worth it! Hopefully I will survive the cold easier!! Haha.
I am looking for the little miracles in the work. They are all around us, we just have to look for them. Like the fact that we had a pretty good church attendance, even though it rained. The testimony meeting was really powerful and I just love having church in Spanish. I went on splits with one of the Young Women on Saturday for the first time in this area (my “daughter” is growing up!) and I realized how comfortable and used to everything in Paraguay I have become the culture, the language... It was a good experience.
Funny quotes of the week:
What is a hero? Lately I have been thinking about what true heroes are. True heroes aren’t the people who receive praise from the world, who are rich, who have the biggest house and cars, or who are on the front cover of the most magazines. They aren’t the people who suit up for big sport teams or sing in front of millions of people. True heroes may not even be known outside of their own hometown. To me, true heroes are people who quietly live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are the people who sacrifice and work for the cause of truth, who put the needs of others before their own. True heroes do not look for recognition of man, but rather, they are concerned with what God thinks. They are those who endure to the end of their lives, never tiring of doing what is right and helping others. They may experience turbulent trials and difficult circumstances. They may experience ridicule from others because of their beliefs, but they never give up the faith. My parents are true heroes. Members of the Hillcrest 1st ward who always serve tirelessly for the benefit of others are true heroes. My young women and primary leaders, the bishopric... are true heros. You are a true hero. I am a true hero. And I am grateful for every true hero in my life who continues to be faithful in this great work, who continues to live the standards of the Gospel, who gives me a beacon by which I am guided, a standard by which I live by and an example by which I live. May Heavenly Father bless you and strengthen you as you go forward in this work.
We had a crazy week here! One trip to Asuncion and two trips to Caacupe and we also walked to two areas that are super far. We walked to Itagua which took us over 30 minutes but it was a scenic, pretty hike. The problem is that we decided to go in the middle of a huge rainstorm! Do not ask me why, but it made for quite the story, stomping through the mud and walking in the rain. When we finally arrived at the member’s houses, they thought we were crazy. The good news is that we got a return date for a lunch appointment on Wednesday. Hopefully it won’t be raining then! I love being a missionary because I see parts of Paraguay that only the locals and Mormon Missionaries ever see. It really is a blessed land here- everything is so beautiful and green. This area is very clean and rich. Quite different from the Paraguay I have seen and known in the past year.
We are officially searching for new investigators. We are always doing that but it’s at the point where everyone has either gotten baptized or is not progressing. We didn’t have anyone come to church on Sunday which was pretty disappointing. Please keep us in your prayers that we will be able to find a family to teach. I want to bring a family the blessings of the Gospel.
The chill is setting in which makes it more difficult to work because people start going to bed as early as 6: pm because it’s too cold to do anything outside. June started and so has the cold!! My area is supposed to be one of the coldest areas around because there are so many streams and trees. Should be interesting! So when you are at home and sweating in your big houses, you can just think of me and how much I suffered in the heat a few months back. Just say to yourself, “What would it be like if I had to walk around in this heat for 5 more hours, preaching the Gospel, looking for someone to invite me into their house to listen?” Yes, the heat traumatized me, but it was all worth it! Hopefully I will survive the cold easier!! Haha.
I am looking for the little miracles in the work. They are all around us, we just have to look for them. Like the fact that we had a pretty good church attendance, even though it rained. The testimony meeting was really powerful and I just love having church in Spanish. I went on splits with one of the Young Women on Saturday for the first time in this area (my “daughter” is growing up!) and I realized how comfortable and used to everything in Paraguay I have become the culture, the language... It was a good experience.
Funny quotes of the week:
-Said to my companion by the ward mission leader, when he went to do visits with us, “Hermana Brittner walks so fast because she has such big feet.”
-Said by a 95-year-old Paraguayan lady, to my companion, “You could be Paraguayan,” then looking at me, “You couldn’t be Paraguayan- you are too tall!”
I love this work and I love the changes that come into people’s lives as they accept Christ and the restored Gospel. No matter what changes they have to make to their lifestyle, it is worth it because it shows on their face that they are happier and more at peace with life, when they are keeping the commandments. I love my Savior and I hope to be able to serve Him all of my days.
Hermana Brittner
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