Week 57- My new/old companion and my new style!

March 19, 2012

Changes/transfers happened this week! Here they are: I am staying in the same area but I am now companions with my MTC companion, Hermana Van Dusen! I am so excited and happy!! Most MTC comps dream about being comps in the field but we are living it, one year later. To be fair, Hna. Van Dusen told me that we would be comps again when we were in the MTC. It’s funny that we started the journey together and now we are back together again. I remember doing practice contacts and lessons with our broken Spanish in the MTC but now we are doing the real thing. We are both experienced, which makes it nice and I think it will be a good change. I wonder what the Lord would have us learn from this? Also, Hermana deVries went to Ypacurai, which is southeast of Asuncion and it’s supposed to be a really pretty area. I was bummed that I only got one change/transfer period with her. She is a guapa!

Hermana Van Dusen saw a photo of me with my sisters that had been taken right before my mission and said that I don’t look like that anymore. It’s true! She said I used to look preppy and “chuchi” (fancy or rich). My style has changed since being in Paraguay as a missionary. Make up-- not necessary, you’ll just sweat it off anyway. Accessories-- too “chuchi.” Except for a watch that may have been broken which I fixed with a paper clip and superglue. Hair--used to be strawberry blonde but has now been dyed platinum blonde by the sun, up in a ponytail or braid, so I don’t sweat as much or attract too much unwanted attention. Shirt and skirt--the lightest thing I own, as to not sweat too much in the Paraguayan sun. Shoes--the ones that don’t have holes in them. Perfume--bug spray. Yum. I am not a frumpy or unkempt missionary, lest you worry. My simplest clothes are still considered the nicest clothes in town. And the funny part- people here still think I am the prettiest and most exotic German (haha) to walk the streets of Paraguay. Or least it seems so from the amount of times we get snaked (whistled at...) Go figure.

So yesterday, all of our investigators fell through except for one. My alarm didn’t go off and so we woke up at 6:50, having to be at the church by 7:am, because the colectivo was leaving to take us to a conference in Mariano. We ran there and made it! The Solis kids and their dad didn’t go which means their baptismal date is pushed back to next week. The conference talked a lot about less-actives, the family and tithing. Paula, who we are working with, was baptized but her records are lost. We are teaching her husband as well. She is 18 with two kids and a very sweet girl. She seemed to enjoy the conference even though her baby was having a hard time sitting still.

We have another rat living in our house. We are planning to exterminate it soon. We have seen evidence of it all over the house. It’s droppings are all over and our food has been broken into--apparently rats like uncooked pasta.

I am becoming quite the cook here in Villa Hayes, if I do say so myself! We have gone from 3 lunch appointments down to 2 every week which is o.k. because I love cooking! When did that happen?

Well, keep this area in your prayers! I love being a missionary and wouldn’t trade these experiences for the world!!

Hermana Brittner

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