Week 69- A Juicy Story!

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost:” Matthew 28:19

12 de junio, 2012

Stomach, liver, other assorted guts. No, I am not talking about the BYU cadaver lab. I am talking about the dispensa (the neighborhood corner store) that is in front of our house. Walking in to buy saldo (cell phone minutes, because they don’t have phone plans here- it’s pay as you go), I get the surprise of seeing a recently slaughtered cow lying on the counter. The lady who works and lives there has her hands covered in blood. She looks up, smiles at us and asks how she can help us. She laughs at the look on our faces- surprise, disgust, interest? Who knows? I mean, this is Paraguay. I should be used to these things by now. She laughs and asks what we would like to eat. I say, “not that” and I look down to see the liver, the stomach (green inside), the other organs, and four huge black hooves still attached to the legs. How do you eat that? I ask. You take off the hooves and boil it of course! How could I be so silly? Of course! No, there is no mat, no gloves, just that old cow sitting on the counter where they set the other products they sell at the dispensa. And this is where they sell the good meat, according to our neighbors. I am pretty sure germs don’t exist here and that’s why it’s okay. The lady behind the counter calls her granddaughter to get us our saldo. I hand her a 20 mil Guaraní. The butcher lady takes it, reaches into her little plastic cup full of change and hands me back an old 10 mil Guaraní, covered in cow’s blood. Well, that’s the meat of the story. (Haha)

What has been happening in Piribebuy? We have been talking up a storm and fighting back discouragement with our second week of no investigators at church. Our district leader has given us an awesome promise- that if we look through the binder of old investigators, we will find a golden investigator who will be baptized this month. I am excited for this. We have been working with 16 year old Liz Mabel who has a 2 month old baby and her boyfriend, Luis.  They have had a rocky life but they are as sweet as can be and want to change. Luis works a lot to pay for the milk and diapers for their son.  Liz Mabel just barely finished elementary school but every time I see her, she has a big smile on her face. They didn’t come to church because they went to her mom’s but we had a really cool Family Home Evening last night with them. We went to the Flia. Valazqyuez house and tied up President with thread on a chair and said that is what sin does to us. We then took scissors and cut him free and that represented the Atonement. We then watched a movie about Christ. I hope that it had an impact on them and made them want to change for the better.

Our recent convert Beatriz is doing great. She received a calling to pass out the Liahona (church magazine) to members. We also had ward council for the second time and it was very effective. We chose 15 names of members to work with. Our branch is struggling with ward unity and the leaders are struggling with visits. We are holding an activity on Thursday to explain and encourage the relief society sisters to do visiting teaching visits. I think it will be successful at helping them realize how important it is.

The reason we couldn’t email yesterday is because the internet was down at the two cybers in our area and we had waited till the last minute to email. To avoid this in the future, I am asking that those who email me will email me on Sunday nights or early Monday morning so that we can send our emails out earlier. That would be great.

Happy Father’s day to all those dads out there! A special hug goes out to my Dad, Jason and all my uncles!

PS They have milk men here in Paraguay still! They drive around on little motorcycle carts with jugs of milk in the back and people wait in their houses with jugs so that the milk man will fill them with milk!!

PS. Congrats to Jimmer on getting married!  Only wish he had chosen to experience mission life first!

Hermana Brittner

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