Week 55- Service, Tragedy and "The Amazing Race"

“God doubtless could avert war, prevent crime, destroy poverty, chase away darkness, overcome error, and make all things bright, beautiful and joyful. But this would involve the destruction of a vital and fundamental attribute in man- the right of agency.” Joseph F. Smith

March 4, 2012

Well, things seem to be cooler here in Paraguay. Now, instead of dripping in sweat 5 minutes after walking outside, it takes 10 =) It did rain a few times this week which deceived us into thinking that fall was here. This week we helped one of the recent converts, Fabiola, move into a new house, just down the street from her old one. They went from living in a small, crowded 2-room house with an outhouse, to a house with 2 separate rooms and a nice bathroom attached. A small upgrade but an upgrade nonetheless. It made me count my many blessings, as I looked at their one bedroom with 2 sets of bunk beds and one queen bed where she and her 4 kids sleep. It was pouring rain when we were moving all of their family’s stuff (which amounted to about the amount of stuff that I have at college, which probably isn’t surprising to my old roommates :)), which made it quite an adventure. It was a fun day and it’s always nice when we find service to do (no one wants the hermanas to help them because they think they need strong elders who don’t wear skirts!)

We experienced a tragedy this week here in our little branch in Villa Hayes. The Elder’s quorum president, Hugo, passed away in a moto accident (a huge problem here in Paraguay) while coming back from Ciudad del Oeste, where he sells brooms for a living. He left his 12-year-old daughter, who is now going to have to find her mom and hopefully live with her. It’s always strange when someone dies who I have recently visited and taught. He was a great guy, always willing to help and visit members in need. It was a tough blow to this branch, to lose a good friend, Elder’s quorum president and another priesthood holder. The number of priesthood holders are dwindling, and it seems like Satan is doing all he can to stop the branch from progressing by attacking the priesthood holders. The passing of Hno. Hugo has made me think a lot. It’s amazing how short life really is; you never know when it will be your time to go or when one of your loved ones will pass away. That’s why we are always commanded to repent today and not put off ´til tomorrow what we should do today. Tell your family you love them. Live everyday to the fullest. Live without regrets. One day your time on earth will be up and you will be in the Spirit World thinking about all the choices you made and the life you had on earth. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is really what it is all about and when we have an eternal perspective, we are able to make choices based on what is really important and what will help us get to the Celestial Kingdom with our families.

Unfortunately, none of our investigators came to church yesterday and we have been fasting and praying to find new investigators. Nothing happens in this work until you find someone to teach! We did find a less active man who has 2 kids who need to be baptized. We are working with him to get him reactivated (he just came back from the Chaco) and teaching him and his kids. He came to church with one of his sons yesterday. He works everyday from 6pm-6am. So on Sunday mornings he goes home, showers, gets his kids ready and comes to church, without sleeping at night. Que guapo!

For P-day today, we went to an Indian reservation right on the edge of civilization, where the Chaco starts, in a city called Benjamin and bought some sweet authentic souvenirs. The Indians there speak a weird click-click language that I think comes mainly from the throat. It’s cool and crazy sounding.

Speaking of Paraguay, hope you all got to watch the “The Amazing Race” which was filmed in Asunción, even though the show apparently took place in the more touristy part of Asunción and not the poorer part on the edge of the city. Apparently, the harp is the national instrument. I have only seen one guy playing a harp on the side of the road but that’s it. Oh and funny story: A cute little member girl in Loma who lives in one of the poorest parts of the town, in a one room wooden house, pulled this huge, expensive harp out of her little wooden house. I don’t know how she ever got it in there. She was taking lessons but quit and I think they are still paying for the harp. I guess it’s not only in America where parents buy expensive instruments, with high hopes of their children playing. Anyway, hope you all have a great week. Thanks for the letters and love. You all are great. Read the Book of Mormon! It will change your life.

Hermana Brittner

PS Happy birthday to the two cutest little nephews in the world, Ethan and Owen! I am such a proud Aunt!

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